Currently in Rehearsals for Target Margin's latest production DRUNKEN WITH WHAT, study of Mourning Becomes Electra by Eugene O'Neill...Premiering at Abrons Arts Center in NYC!!! Shows begin Feb 11th!!
Just been cast in the New Georges show in NYC. How to Get Into Buildings by the wonderful playwright Trish Harnetiaux, Directed by Katie Brook. So excited.
I've just been cast as the Queen of the Fairies in the Tennessee Shakespeare Company's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity.
Rehearsals begin May 4th. Show runs June 4th thru June 21st, 2015!!Come on down to Memphis for some enchantment and BBQ!! More photos anon....
We've opened!! Tennessee Shakespeare's production of Midsummer Night's Dream
Thank you to those who came out to Memphis for Midsummer... A big Check of my bucket list!